BSP web quiz answers
1. Question
Which rivers flow into the Baltic Sea? (3 rivers)
a) Oder
b) Vistula
c) Danube
d) Daugava
e) Volga
2. Question
The largest port city in the Baltics?
a) Gdansk
b) Port Said
c) Felixstowe
3. Question
Where is the deepest place in the Baltic Sea? How deep is it?
Landsort Deep, 459 m
4. Question
What organism is on the picture? (hint: it lives in the Baltic Sea)
a) Urticina felina, dahlia anemone
b) Chrysaora fuscescens, Pacific sea nettle
c) Aurelia aurita, common jellyfish
5. Question
What islands are located in the Baltic Sea? Only one answer is correct!
a) Bornholm, Graciosa, Nunivak
b) Gotlandia, Rugia, Wolin
c) Uznam, Dugi Otok, Rab
6. Question
In the Baltic Sea occur three species of seals: grey seal (Halichoerus grypus), harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) and ringed seal (Phoca hispida). Write correct name of the species under every picture.
grey seal (Halichoerus grypus)
ringed seal (Phoca hispida)
harbor seal (Phoca vitulina)
7. Question
How many neighbours do you have in the drainage basin of the Baltic Sea?
a) About 65 million
b) About 85 million
c) About 75 million
d) About 95 million
8. Question
How does the Baltic Sea differ from other seas?
a) It is very deep sea.
b) It is a shallow sea.
c) There are many species of sharks.
d) There live only invasive species.
e) It is the smallest sea.
9. Question
What can change the direction of the flow in the sea?
a) Big rivers that flow in to the sea.
b) Wind
c) Birds
d) Ships
10. Question
How does the brackish water of the Baltic Sea influence the life in the sea?
a) The sea is poor in terms of species.
b) People are not able to live in this catchment area.
c) The existence of birds is endangered.
d) ...
11. Question
What is HELCOM?
a) It is the Holy Earth and Land Company − a movement that protects nature sites connected to ancient traditions in the Baltic Sea region.
b) It is the Helsinki Commission − an intergovernmental organisation of the nine Baltic coastal countries and the EU, protecting the marine environment from all sources of pollution.
c) It is the ...
12. Question
What harm does ship ballast water to the animals in the Baltic Sea?
a) Strong smell of ballast water causes the death of animals death.
b) The number of invasive species increases rapidly and it endangers the existence of local species.
c) Ballast water pollutes the sea.
d) Ballast water reduces the salinity of the sea.
13. Question
Which is the highest lighthouse in the Baltic?
a) Ovisi lighthouse - Latvia
b) ' Kõpu lighthouse - Estonia
c) Mikeltornis lighthouse - Latvia
d) Slitere lighthouse - Latvia
14. Question
Who is the mammal?
a) Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus)
b) Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus)
c) Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)
d) Great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias)
15. Question
Who is the fish?
a) European eel (Anguilla anguilla)
b) Ocean pout (Zoarces americanus)
c) Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus)
d) River lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis)
16. Question
Who is the mussel?
a) Cerastoderma lamarcki
b) Blue mussel (Mytilus edulis)
c) Common cockle (Cerastoderma glaucum)
d) Baltic clam (Macoma baltica)
17. Question
Who is the fish?
a) Sea trout (Morpha trutta)
b) Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus)
c) Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
d) Burbot (Lota lota)
18. Question
Who is the mammal?
a) European otter (Lutra lutra)
b) Steller sea lion (E. jubatus)
c) Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus)
d) Spotted seal (Phoca largha)
19. Question
Who is the fish?
a) Raja fish (Raja ackleyi)
b) Sculpin (Scorpaeniformes)
c) Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)
d) Flounder (Platichthys flesus)
20. Question
Who is the bird?
a) White stork (Ciconia ciconia)
b) Crane (Gruidae)
c) Grey heron (Ardea cinerea)
d) Black stork (Ciconia nigra)
21. Question
What bird is on the logo of BSP? It`s nest is built close to the sea and lined plucked from the female's breast. This soft and warm lining has long been harvested for filling pillows and quilts.
a) Green-winged teal (Anas crecca)
b) Steller’s eider (Polysticta stelleri)
c) Barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis)
d) Greylag goose (Anser anser)
22. Question
It is known that the Baltic Sea is one of the most polluted seas in the world. That is because of the eutrophication. What are the main causes of eutrophication?
a) The growth of the concentration of nitric oxides in the major cities.
b) Nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewater compounds.
c) Plastic and other waste on the coast of the Baltic Sea.
23. Question
What is the connection between the Baltic Sea and the molluscs Littorina littorea, Ancylus fluviatilis, Mya arenaria and Yoldia arctica?
a) They are typical molluscs of the each developing stage of the Baltic sea.
b) They are molluscs, what live in the Baltic sea now.
c) They are molluscs, what lived in the stage of Littorina sea.
24. Question
In the diagram you see the number of fished cod in tonnes. Since year 1980 this number decreases. Which is the main cause of the decrease?
a) Seals eat cod fish and they have caused the decrease of cod fish.
b) The competition of other species of fish.
c) Decrease of oxygen in water and the high concentration of hazardous substances in the sea.
d) Acid rains.
25. Question
Which of the fish species is invasive to the Baltic sea?
Zoarces viviparus, viviparous eelpout
Gadus morhua callarias, Baltic cod
Neogobius melanostomus, round goby
26. Question
List those islands from bigger to smaller. Add to what country island belongs: Öland, Åland, Hiiumaa, Gotland, Saaremaa, Lolland
Answer Gotland (2,994 km², belonging to Sweden)
Saaremaa (2,673 km², belonging to Estonia)
Öland (1,342 km², belonging to Sweden)
Lolland (1,243 km², belonging to Denmark)
Åland main island (1,017 km², belonging to Finland)
Hiiumaa (989 km², belonging to Estonia